Batman v. Superman

All posts tagged Batman v. Superman

An official crossover on The Crossover Podcast as Adam Bleskie (host of the HI101 podcast) joins Kevin and Matt to discuss virtually everything nerd related. Including: Supergirl, Rogue One, Batman v Superman, Arrow, Agents of Shield, Civil War, Suicide Squad, Flash, and more.

Listen to HI101 at

Kevin, Matt and Carly have emerged from the garbage of Batman vs. Superman to warn you on its existence. Believe the hype…it is awful, and you should listen to this pod instead of paying money to see a tire fire.

The Crossover Podcast continues its tradition of lead-in commentaries with our lead-in to Batman v Superman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 2. Follow along as DC Animated brings the bible of comic books to life and watch Batman fight Superman as cartoons, before watching them punch each other in 3D.

Kevin answers the Bat-signal as Matt has a few things to get off his chest about the new Batman v Superman trailer and he explains season two of Gotham to Miller.